How to Report

Call 911 if you or someone else is in danger.

Hazing incidents need to be reported when they occur, because there is no such thing as harmless hazing. Anyone who knows of hazing activity should report it to the Office of the Dean of Students. Anyone can file a report, and all reports are investigated. Important details to include in a report are:

  • names of people and/or organizations involved,
  • dates,
  • where it happened,
  • a specific description of what happened.

The University's ability to investigate hazing, enforce policy, and protect students depends accurate and specific reports. You are encouraged to provide as much specific detail as possible so that the reported behavior can be addressed.

Additional Reporting Options

Reporting Considerations

Anonymous Reports

Hazing can be reported anonymously, however Student Conduct staff may not be able to complete their investigation without being able to speak to the person who made the report.

To make an anonymous report:


Retaliation is a violation of the Institutional Rules on Student Services and Activities, Subsection 6-404(24), found in Subchapter 6–400, Student Organization Discipline and will not be tolerated. Students concerned about retaliation for reporting hazing should contact Student Conduct and Academic Integrity in the Office of the Dean of Students.


Students who report hazing before being contacted by the Office of the Dean of Students; who cooperate in good faith and provide complete and factual accounts may be eligible for immunity from institutional discipline.

Investigation Process

All reports are investigated by Student Conduct and Academic Integrity in the Office of the Dean of Students, following the conduct process outlined in the Institutional Rules on Student Services and Activities, Subchapter 6-500, Disciplinary Procedures.